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Tag: Spring

North Devon Council takes part in No Mow May

27-04-2023 11:42 AM BST
North Devon Council is letting the grass grow wild in a number of its green spaces in support of the charity campaign ‘No Mow May’.

No Mow May was first launched in the UK in 2019 by conservation charity Plantlife, and has since spread to other countries, with the goal of creating a more wildlife-friendly environment. The campaign aims to encourage individuals and organisations to lock away their lawnmowers for the month of May in an effort to encourage wildflowers and support local wildlife.

Parks Officer at North Devon Council, Andrew Moulton, says: “By supporting No Mow May, we hope to inspire residents to take small actions that can make a big difference in creating a healthier and more vibrant ecosystem in our local area.”

The council will be leaving two sites to grow wild during May: the first being in Whiddon Valley and the second at Landkey. The council is also encouraging residents to learn more about other eco-friendly practices they can adopt in their daily lives, such as composting and reducing water wastage.

For more information about ‘No Mow May’ and to participate, please visit the Plantlife website.

Brownies and Guides: Spring Update

We started the New Year with a “Bring a Friend” party and from this gained one new Guide and a few new Brownies.  The dark nights have meant we have been able to do some star gazing and complete skills builders and activities based on that theme such as Night Sky Observers, Skills in Space, Spaced out and Blackhole Break out.  We celebrated Chinese New Year and the Year of the Rabbit by making Rabbit Glitter Globes and playing Chinese Whispers.

A number of the Brownies and the Guides joined in a Division Thinking Day event in Tiverton in February and on the 8th March, International Women’s Day Girlguiding UK had a rebranding and our new logo is at the top of this article.

We are looking forward to the lighter nights and having some fun outside in the summer term.

We meet on Tuesday evenings during term time, from 6.30pm to 8 pm at the School. If you have a daughter who is turning 7 soon or is already 7 or over and would like to join us please go to and register.

If you have some free time and would like to join us as a volunteer please go to

If you were a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide, Ranger and a re aged 18 to 30 you might like to have a look at Inspire and see what Guiding can offer you.

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