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Witheridge Oil Purchase Energy Cooperative

“Are you a heating oil user? Are you interested in reducing the cost?”

If you are, then the Witheridge Oil Purchase Energy Cooperative known as WOPEC which places order’s for “tens of thousands” of litres at a time on behalf of its membership could be the solution, as we obtain prices which you as an individual would find difficult to match!

By visiting our web site, you can view examples of this type of cost saving through bulk ordering, along with answers to any questions you may have.  If you subsequently decide to join us then the yearly fee of £20 is normally returned to you by placing just one order, with the difference between what you would have paid ordering oil as an individual and what you pay through our cooperative often making this payment, as well as making you a small profit!  WOPEC members who order oil two or three times a year make a substantial saving, with business users who order larger amounts more frequently literally saving 100’s of pounds. 

As an oil user, you will be aware that most companies have a two-tier price system with one price for orders between 500 and 999 litres and another, cheaper price, for orders of a 1000 litres or over.  With WOPEC this does NOT happen as our price is the same for all, regardless of the amount you have ordered, so you will NOT be financially penalised for only ordering 500 litres with our price being improved still further through WOPEC placing an order in bulk.   

We place orders twice a month on the 1st & 15th from October to March with the exception of December when we only order once on the 1st, and on the 1st between April & September with you paying the oil distributor direct on receipt on an invoice.                

Ordering oil together and having it delivered more or less at the same time within a small geographical area helps to limit carbon emissions.  It also reduces wear and tear to our country lanes and the congestion that a tanker causes by repeatedly returning to the same location to deliver oil.

Other benefits for joining include access to a boiler service engineer, a new tank & boiler replacement service and chimney sweep, as well as, for a bit of fun, our Lottery Syndicate where we win small amounts every week whilst waiting for the Big One

A further benefit for joining is our FREE “Lost & Found” service with you receiving a key fob and two stickers.  This enables any lost keys, mobile telephone, I-Pad, lap top computer or any other portable item of high value used outside of your home to be quickly returned to you due to the CASH REWARD incentive. 

I can appreciate that you may be hesitant about joining us so why not go onto our web site to view what our members had to say about the service they receive, by looking at the numerous testimonials they have sent to us since we started this cooperative in our village over 10 years ago. Whilst there, click on the link Past Orders on the menu bar, which will enable you to compare the price we managed to achieve with what you paid over the same period…. hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised!  

Further information, including a Q&A Page, can be viewed on our web site at but if you would prefer to have a friendly chat then please do not hesitate to telephone us on 01884 861186.

Fred Hanbury

WOPEC Co-ordinator

NB   If you have decided to join our cooperative then please insert the following information beside the question “How did you hear about WOPEC” when completing the membership form: Name:  Witheridge Online

Opening hours

  • Monday
    10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday
    10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday
    10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Thursday
    10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Friday
    10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

Opening hours are subject to availability of staff.
If no answer please leave a name and contact telephone number.

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