Application for funding from the Knights of Witheridge.
Local clubs and organizations within the Parish of Witheridge and immediately adjacent parishes may apply for financial support from the Knights of Witheridge. The Knights will also exceptionally entertain requests from individuals.
Applications should be made on the form provided on the Knights of Witheridge website or by clicking the three dots “…” in the toolbar below followed by “Download PDF File”. Alternatively, hard copies of the form may be obtained from the Witheridge Newsagents. Completed forms should returned to the Newsagents or sent by e-mail to by the next closing date of Thursday 27th April 2023, after which time no further application forms will be accepted.
Should you be successful with your application for funding we will inform you in writing after all applications have been considered.
An application is subject to the following conditions.
If you intend purchasing equipment with the funds received from us then please be specific and state name, type, model number etc. as we reserve the right to purchase it on your behalf rather than giving you the necessary funding direct.
The funding offered is on the understanding that we receive a letter from you confirming that you have received it so that we can maintain an accurate record for auditing purposes in the future.
We would also appreciate a mention in your annual report, Witheridge Online, or in the Witheridge Voice (ideally all three!) stating that the Knights of Witheridge had donated funds to your organization. This will assist us immensely in advertising our presence, hopefully ensuring that local people will attend our future activities in the knowledge that money raised will be returned to organizations within the parish.
If you are unsuccessful in obtaining funds from us on this occasion, then please do not feel slighted in any way as we only have a limited amount for distribution.
Applications are now closed. 3 bids have been received and will be considered at our AGM on 11 May.
Thanks for the update Ian. All the best.