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Tag: Walks

Walking to the Little Dart

Now the better weather is here it is lovely to be able to enjoy the many pleasant walks around Witheridge, especially part of the Two Moors Way that goes from beside the Parish Hall down to the Little Dart river.

It was a lovely surprise after navigating our way through the nettles just last week to find the path had been cut back and widened to make the walk even more enjoyable.

If you are unsure of the path mentioned it is highlighted red on this aerial view:

The path carries on across and down the side of an open field. At the bottom you pass through a gate into The Woodlands Trust Yeo Copse. Follow the path through the trees and at the bottom of the little hill is the Little Dart where you can sit and enjoy the sounds of the water, birds and other wildlife.

Exploring the Two Moors Way

Another article that’s just begging to be written by some knowledgeable local folk!

Any volunteers?

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