Witheridge Parish Council
This event has ended
March 7, 2024
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Council meet regularly at 7:30pm on the first Thursday Monthly at the Parish Hall Committee Room, Witheridge. Any variations to this will be published in the Agenda. Select the year to access the schedule of meetings, current agenda and minutes of past meetings.
Agendas for the forthcoming meetings are displayed on the Parish Notice Boards opposite the Square in Witheridge, at Drayford Green and online here at least three clear days prior to the date of the meeting.
Minutes of meetings are usually produced within two weeks of a meeting and published in draft on the web site; any changes made when approved will be minuted in the next meeting’s minutes .
The Council employs a part-time clerk to service its meetings and implement its decisions. Some powers are delegated to the clerk to aid the smooth running of the Council’s affairs between meetings, and these are detailed in the Council’s Standing Orders.
Members of the Public are welcome to attend meetings which open with an opportunity for Public Questions to the Council. Once the meeting is formally convened members of the public can observe proceedings but are not allowed to participate. In the event an item under discussion is deemed confidential by it’s nature, the Council may ask any public or press present to adjourn for that item.
Parish Meetings are usually called by the Chairman of the Parish Council. The Parish Meeting must meet at least once between the 1st of March and 1st of June annually. At the annual meeting it is usual for the Council Chairman to report on the activities of the Council and for a financial report to be presented. This meeting presents an opportunity for parishioners to participate fully in any debate.